Thursday, May 20, 2010

A.I. Can now detect Sarcasm? No Really?

Direct from POPCSI.COM: The Future is now reports that some Israeli research team analyzed data using a method what they call SASI which is a Semi-supervised Algorithm for Sarcasm Identification(WHAT?) Which claims it can recognize sarcastic sentences in online product reviews with an astounding 77% accuracy rate. I for one love sarcastic product reviews it helps me decide on making important purchasing decisions because people tend to be pretty honest when they are writing them. Imagine if literal filters were put in place the web would be a really dry, uncomfortable and boring place.

On the other hand a Sarcasm(or verbal irony) software like this could really be useful invention - just imagine the possibilities! You could essentially also have a tweet alert and filter comments by an intent category in case you were asleep at the wheel. Check out the paper (PDF)

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