Saturday, August 26, 2006

How to visit the afterlife and prolong life

There was a going away lunch yesterday for one of my company's art director's who decided she was going to pick-up camp in NYC and move back to California. It was quite a nice little family sit down for our team since we rarely take lunch, it was good to just let "loose". I literally made all 14 of us do the wave around the table, not once, but three times in her honor! I'm not sure where it came from since I'm not really a sports guy which made it even funnier for this creative group. It seemed appropriate. I also made her a piece of window art for her next gig out in LA. Now if you met her you would know she is a peaceful California spirit in her heart. Malmypal will be missed.

Sitting on my end of the table was my boss J and a few others from the creative team, one was playwright Cheryl, who is also paying the bills as copywriter and was recently pronounced alive by the state and had been dead, as far as NY was concerned, until she showed them she was not. After numerous phone calls she beat the afterlife. But where was she? Where do we go inbetween? The piece I made Malsmypal illustrated a window in time. A place we go during the living part. Four panes with her in mind: daylight, her face, buildings and iconic letter that represented the very large international business machine client we've been working on together for the past year. The piece, as long as it does not disintegrate or get thrown away, has the potential to live on. Obviously it is only a blip between the receiver and myself. I see music, writing, photography, and life this way. These are artifacts that can live on through one's ears and mind. How else can people live on? Through their children is one way or things already present in nature. In science, life expectancy can be extended to prolong enzymes that cause aging but this is not forever yet. These enzyme are present in red wine. So drink up!

I saw a man in the news the other day who is in his 90's who has been taking lots of testosterone. He looked like a body builder but his face still was somewhat weathered tan and skin on his face was tight. Strange, but my question is: Are we meant to live on?

I know I would like to see more of the story. Being able to observe the wisdom panes of life sounds like the best reality tv I can think of. Mundane for the most part but there are some golden nuggets that will surely make this journey a special one. I would even do it all over again as long as I could bring the wisdom with me. Thanks,

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Convenient Terror threat for obscuring Democracy

It was about one whol day into the 11 missing Egyptian students in the U.S. that it dawned on me that it could be another government fabrication, as it seems they were just doing what teenager do getting jobs, roving around before school started and flipping pizza!The PR terror tool was put into play from my point of view: in order to boost Bush sales(oh I mean oil ratings), obscure the loosing civil war in Iraq, pass bad privacy laws, and remind dumb americans why they should vote for Republicans in the primaries. Lets think hard here people so far no connection has been "found" by the FBI and because this is America the land of the "free" you can write freakin' letter and using this move-on counter democracy tool to keep every body focused on the real issues:

* Five years after 9/11, the Bush administration has failed to keep us

* The war in Iraq has diverted attention from protecting America from
terrorism. This past week 9/11 commissioners said Iraq is distracting
from security at home.

* The war in Iraq has inflamed the whole Middle East and is helping Al
Qaeda attract new recruits. Osama Bin Laden is still on the loose.

* Katrina showed all of us that the Republicans aren't able to protect
America at home. The Republican Congress hasn't followed through on
the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.

* Republican political attacks during last week's terror threat are
* The rising gas profits are unacceptable cost to pay for our Soldiers in Iraq-- The equation does not even add up if you think about it. You would think they would go down

Any questions?

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

How to hack a diebold voting machine

This is very, very, very scary. A quick an easy way to change the vote in any State without a paper trail. Diebold voting machines should be outlawed. Marty Kaplan from Huffington Post takes you through the 3 easy steps to change the vote on one of them fancy eletronic voting machines. Democracy has been sold and this should alert maybe the 1% of voters who might care.

So if you need a break from your loss of voting power this trick biking video should entertain you for at least five minutes until reality sinks in and that we don't stand a chance unless we take back control from the Bush Administration. Any questions? It's all about the info war and W is loosing slowly but money talks and oil profits rise for exxon and BP. Who is stupid now America? Why are we paying more at the pump?