Sunday, April 19, 2009

Summer Sandboxes are fun

It occured to me the other day that innovation starts pretty early in life. The simple game of taking all the sand out of the sandbox instead of playing with it inside the described space follows one of the rules of innovation. You need to take risks to get a reward and who said you need to play with it a certain way. Well there are certain rules you need to follow; like you don't play or bring the sand inside the house intentionally (insert friend enemy metaphor here). Which is your control group. Although, it does get in there sometimes everything else is fair game. So if your end goal is to make a mess or create the next 'thing-a-magir' TM. Go for it but make sure you can measure it in some meaningful way. (X+TIME = $) and in these uncertain financial days people have a lot of free time to figure out what X is in the sandbox of life.

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