Saturday, May 06, 2006

Air America protecting you from the Oil Depression

My friend joseph sent me the latest from Air America.
If you have any bags of money lying around, gold would be a very safe sure bet as the dollar will be crashing again shortly, there is a 30% possibility of a morbid systematic depression (given the spotty outsider information I have). Asian Investment banks have been ordered to move their investments from dollars to euros and gold. In the short term it really couldn't hurt as gold could rise from 667 to somewhere estimated around the high teens 1,800 -2,000 very very quickly. so get an ounce or two if possible.

The down side is interest rates may double shortly on mortgages and credit cards, prices on items made of oil may double, imported parts and goods. people are really going to be hurting for a long time after the republicans are gone

It is time to impeach Bush because the Republican policies are directly leading to an economic collapse in this country (again). It is probably a good idea to poke your head over to and the Financial times to read between the lines.
Warren Buffet moving his money out of American dollar investments like coca-cola.
It is a matter of time before Bush goes to War in Iran, while picking your wallets and doubling credit and rising mortgage rates. People are already giving blood literally to purchase gas and the best part is 'they' don't want you the people to vote them out so they can continue pilaging uninterupted since the major media outlets are doing barely nothing about the oil problem. We know who wins and loses when gas prices go-up. no shit cnn.

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